Offerings include:
Treatments -- Cranial Sacral Therapy Kabbalah Cranial Therapy Reiki Integrative Modalities
Custom Sacred Beads
Transition Support
Home Energy Cleansings
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy is a subtle touch therapy that engages with the body tissue, working with the fascia to release restrictions so the cerebral spinal fluid can flow more smoothly, easily, and evenly. This technique often results in deep relaxation, while relieving anxiety disorders, headaches, chronic pain, and back injuries.
What does a Kabbalah Healing Session look like?
In-Person Sessions:
A session will start with an intake process, accessing the client’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Remaining fully clothed, the client will lie down on a table and enjoy what is likely to feel like a relaxing head massage. Afterward, the client and therapist will talk about the experience and next steps.
Remote Healing Sessions:
Long distance healings can take place through different possible platforms: audio (phone) or video conferencing (FaceTime or Zoom). As in a face-to-face session, the first step is an intake process. The client will then meditate or rest while the healing is happening. Afterward, client and therapist will talk about the experience and next steps.